Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Think Point #6

Charles Lawrence "One More River to Cross"

Lawrence argues that even though Brown v. Board of Education was pass by a unanimous vote in the supreme court is was still not accepted and fallowed by every American.

"Segregation's only purpose is to label or define blacks as inferior and thus exclude them from full and equal participation in society." This is one of the reasons that the Brown case holds such an important value. It tells people that separate is not equal. Blacks do not benifit from have their own all black school because they will still not receive the same education that the kids in the all white school will get. in that time teh all white school would get all teh better matierials and newer books when the black school would get the second rate things.

"Our fixation on the question of the propriety and efficacy of the remedy of busing and racial balance plans stem in large part from our tacit acceptance of the Court's rather narrow definition of the injury of segragation as resulting from the separation of black children from white chilren and th a fact ath alternative remedies have rarely been requested, much less graned." The problem can not be solved just by mixing black and white children in the same school. There as to be teaching going on about why this is being done and that the white children in that time period should not hate or abuse the black children. You can't just mix them together and hope they get along. People have to learn to be accepting and that does not happen over night. It still has not fully happed 50 plus years after the Brown case passed.

"the Supreme Court has refused to recongize that segregation will not die a natural death". this is true to this day. I remember learning about a Surpreme Court case in my Poly Sci class last year. It was about a white man pressing charged agienst a medical school for not accepting him. There was only a few spots open for people to be accepted and a black aplicant was accepted over the white man only because he was black. The white man had better test score and other things of that nature but the school took the black student to show that they had diveisty at their school. I think that wrong on the school part to almost fake it. that they want only the best students but to take someone only because of thier race over someone who is more quilfied is wrong.

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